Linux servers

Linux servers have many advantages including open source code, cost-effective operation, user-customization flexibility, excellent security, resource efficiency, scripting and automation capabilities, and robust community support. These are important considerations when choosing an appropriate operating system based on user requirements.

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here’s a basic guide on how to install CentOS 7:


1. **Download the CentOS 7 ISO:** You can download the ISO image from the official CentOS website ( Choose the version that best fits your needs.
2. **Create a bootable USB or DVD:** Once you have downloaded the ISO image, you will need to create a bootable USB or DVD. You can use tools like `Rufus` or `UNetbootin` to do this.
3. **Boot from the USB or DVD:** Insert the bootable USB or DVD into your system and reboot. You may need to change the boot order in your system’s BIOS or UEFI settings to boot from the USB or DVD.
4. **Start the installer:** Once the system boots from the USB or DVD, you will see a menu. Select `Install CentOS 7` and press enter to start the installer.



5. **Choose the installation language:** Select the language you want to use during the installation and click on `Continue`.
6. **Installation Summary:** On the `Installation Summary` page, you can customize your installation. Here, you can set your date and time, select your installation destination (hard drive), select your keyboard layout, and more. Once you have made your selections, click on `Begin Installation`.
7. **Set the root password and create a user:** While the installation is in progress, you can set the root password and create a new user by clicking on the `Root Password` and `User Creation` menu respectively.
8. **Complete the installation:** Once the installation is complete, click on `Reboot`. After the reboot, you can log in to your new CentOS 7 system with the user you created during the installation.
Please note that this is a very basic guide. Depending on your specific needs and system configuration, some steps may differ. Always refer to the official CentOS documentation for more detailed instructions.


APM Server

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up an APM (Apache, PHP, MySQL) server on CentOS 7:


 APM is one of the things
we do best 

1. **Update Your System:** After installing CentOS 7, you should update your system. Use the following command:
sudo yum -y update
2. **Install Apache:** Apache is a web server software. You can install it using the following command:
sudo yum -y install httpd
Then, start the Apache service and enable it to start on boot:
sudo systemctl start httpd
sudo systemctl enable httpd
You can check the status of the Apache service with:
sudo systemctl status httpd


3. **Install MariaDB (MySQL):** MariaDB is a MySQL drop-in replacement. Install it using:
sudo yum -y install mariadb-server mariadb
Then, start MariaDB and enable it to start on boot:
sudo systemctl start mariadb
sudo systemctl enable mariadb
It’s recommended to secure your MariaDB installation. You can do this by running:
sudo mysql_secure_installation
And then follow the prompts.


4. **Install PHP:** PHP is a server-side scripting language. Install PHP and some common PHP modules:
sudo yum -y install php php-mysql php-gd php-ldap php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc php-mbstring php-snmp php-soap curl curl-devel
Then, restart the Apache service so it can work with PHP:
sudo systemctl restart httpd
5. **Firewall Configuration:** If you have a firewall enabled, you need to open HTTP and HTTPS ports. Here’s how:
sudo firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-service=http
sudo firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-service=https
sudo firewall-cmd –reload


6. **Test Your Setup:** Finally, you can test your setup by creating a simple PHP file:
echo “” | sudo tee /var/www/html/info.php
Then, open a web browser and navigate to `http://your_server_IP_address/info.php`. You should see a page displaying information about your server’s PHP configuration.
Remember, this is a basic guide. Depending on your specific needs and system configuration, some steps may vary. Always refer to the official documentation of each component for more detailed instructions.


Linux Server services

Server Engine Optimization

The APM server, standing for Apache, MySQL, and PHP, is a popular open-source software stack for web services. Apache is the web server that processes and delivers web content to users. MySQL manages databases, while PHP is used for server-side scripting to create dynamic web pages.



It provides extensive and readily available support due to its large and active user base.
There’s a wealth of resources and tutorials available to help troubleshoot or enhance your server setup.
Open-source nature encourages continuous development and improvement, benefiting from the collective knowledge and experience of its users.


Content Marketing

Operating an APM server comes with its own set of advantages. Leveraging open-source software makes it a cost-effective solution for delivering web services. The individual components, Apache, PHP, and MySQL, are not only robust and mature but are also widely used, ensuring dependable performance. Furthermore, the server provides the flexibility and scalability necessary for customization and expansion in alignment with your requirements.



APM optimization refers to enhancing the performance of the Apache, PHP, and MySQL stack for improved web services. It involves fine-tuning server settings, optimizing database queries, and employing best coding practices. This process ultimately results in faster response times, better resource utilization, and improved user experience.


Front-end & Development

Running an APM server directly brings several benefits to front-end development. It allows for real-time modifications and updates, enhancing the responsiveness and performance of the website. The server’s flexibility enables customization of the user interface and experience. Moreover, the direct control over the server environment ensures optimal compatibility and smooth functioning of front-end technologies.


Back-end Development

Operating an APM server offers significant advantages for back-end development. It provides a robust and reliable environment for executing server-side scripting with PHP, resulting in dynamic web content. Direct server management ensures efficient handling and optimization of MySQL databases. Furthermore, the open-source nature of the APM stack promotes customization, allowing developers to tailor the server environment to suit their specific needs.


Bootstrap offers several advantages as a front-end framework:


Bootstrap provides a responsive grid layout system that facilitates the creation of adaptive designs for various screen sizes.

 Its customizable nature enables developers to tailor it to the specific needs of a project. With compatibility across all modern browsers, it ensures a consistent user experience. The framework benefits from a large community of open-source developers who contribute to its ongoing development. Moreover, Bootstrap’s ready-made coding blocks and predefined classes significantly accelerate the web development process.

Database Beaver

DBeaver is an open-source universal database management tool. It supports various types of database systems and offers functions such as SQL query writing, database structure visualization, and data editing. The name ‘DBeaver’ can be interpreted as an abbreviation for ‘Database Beaver’, symbolizing a hard-working tool for efficient and useful database management.